Archive for the business development Category

The Fundamentals of Start-Up Business Success–Part 4

Though the road to sustained success is paved by consistent execution it is lit by the leader’s clear vision.  As a fundamental, vision is not some starry-eyed sound bite intended to inspire but more often than not, confuses.   Clear vision is a necessary fundamental because it allows […]

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Continue to let Kirk Grow Into His Role —-How Does That Kind of Decision Impact Any Company’s Growth?

For several weeks now I’ve had opportunity to work closely with a mid/high level manager we’ll call Kirk. He’s a sincere guy with a work ethic anyone would respect and seemed reasonably competent. However, it’s often difficult to know this about Kirk because he fell into the […]

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Toxic CEO Ted Provides a Lesson: How NOT to Run a Business

He said he really needed to speak with me about an urgent matter. He said he needed at least a couple hours and would buy me lunch if I helped him work through the problem. He said he had nobody else he could turn to and because […]

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