Archive for February 2013

Hopeful That Old Media Can Teach New Lessons

Today’s hottest industries and companies run the risk of being tomorrow’s troubled also-rans if they do not continually enhance value propositions. I believe nothing illustrates that better than February’s blizzard of activity in the media sector where Time Inc., pursued a sale of its lifestyle magazines to […]

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Glad to see my positions are shared by the mainstream

Check out the following links from USA Today and Bloomberg Business Week —both articles align with my observations and thus seem to agree with the fact that “Berman Means Business!”

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Maximum Nonsense About Minimum Wages

Executives and business trade associations fighting against President Obama calling for an increase in the minimum wage are arguing against their own self interests. Organizational success is a function of many productive sums adding up to a greater whole, and the correlation between a properly compensated workforce that […]

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